Mindfulness Yoga for Kids

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There’s nothing worse for a parent or carer, than having a child who is scared, anxious or upset. 

As their ‘protector’, we want to make sure the young people in our lives are as happy as possible, and free to learn and grow as they should. But even for young kids, life can be stressful, and that’s why we’re so pleased to be able to offer Mindfulness Yoga classes for children are bought to you via our POP UP CLASSES on the Gold Coast.

Why do kids need Mindfulness?

In theory, they don’t. By their very nature, young children are present in what they are doing. They notice the butterflies, the rainbows and the beautiful flowers. They fully experience their emotions without thought; when they are sad they cry and when they are happy they laugh and giggle.

As children enter school age, they become exposed to peer group environments and absorb new influences, promoting conformity. This social conditioning occurs outside of parental oversight, and enables children to adapt very quickly and learn how to best survive in their new environment.

Unfortunately, our society places high regard on conformity, appearance, achievement and popularity.

As children come into their ‘tween’ years, their awareness of others, and the opinions they form, grow.

The importance of being accepted by their peers continues growing long into their teenage years.

Yoga and Mindfulness classes give children essential life skills that allow them to remain true to themselves and their true nature. In the Mindfulness Yoga classes available with Breeze Pilates and Yoga POP UP CLASSES, children learn to listen to their heart and know what makes them feel happy, truly happy.

What can Mindfulness Yoga do for my child?

Children love to play, which is why Mindfulness combined with yoga is perfect for them. There are literally hundreds of yoga postures, many of which take the form of animals, plant and trees. These, along with interactive games, striking visuals, film clips and activities, provide a fun way for children to acquire Mindfulness tools that will serve them not only through the turbulent teenage years (when the challenges of peer pressure, body image, puberty, hormones and relationships come to the fore), but also later in life.

The following is a comprehensive list of the many benefits Mindfulness Yoga holds for your child:


Promotes emotional awareness and develops their ability to manage their emotions

• Encourages calmness, particularly at times of stress

• Teaches students to respond to people and events mindfully, rather than react mindlessly

• Helps children develop an understanding of their qualities and emotional responses


Develops concentration and focus

• Releases stress and anxiety

• Shows children how their minds are connected to their bodies


Enhances learning ‘readiness’

• Encourages self-discipline


Encourages connection to inner self and innate wisdom

• Enhances understanding and experience of interconnectedness


• Boosts confidence

• Teaches self-respect and respect of others

• Develops empathy

• Encourages healthy relationships


Builds muscular strength

• Improves stability of joints

• Aids in digestion and elimination

• Boosts metabolism

Improves flexibility

• Strengthens the immune system

• Improves balance and coordination

• Increases overall body awareness